those 'another orbit around the sun' feels

birthdays always make me feel quite reflective, nostalgic + super appreciative to be honest.  today is my birthday eve and it has me reflecting on 36 amazing moments/memories/achievements that are seriously tattooed on my heart, in the best kind of way possible.  so here goes.  disclaimer these moments are in no particular order…

  1. becoming an aunty to x3 happy + healthy nieces/nephew (but no doubt these x3 legends are number 1 on my list of incredible moments/memories). 
  2. training for x2 ironmans and completing x1 (the other was not to be + well outside of my control).
  3. quitting my job in 2019. 
  4. travelling for 2.5 months after quitting the job mentioned in 3. hard to believe those travels were only 3 years ago!  no regrets that’s for sure especially when we look at the mayhem of the world.
  5. having x2 boxing fights.  lost both but my short lived boxing career sure did teach me some serious lessons for life.  as mike tyson so famously said “everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth.”  and ain’t that the truth. boxing taught me to back myself no matter what, to never give up + all kinds of wonderful lessons about courage, bravery + resilience.
  6. working in the mines in WA.  didn’t actually drive big machinery or get to dig for diamonds/gold/iron ore or whatever they mine!  but what an experience.
  7. living in albany, WA.  one of the only times in my life i have moved somewhere and not known a soul.  met some seriously cool humans.
  8. travelling through vietnam + cambodia on my own in 2014.  ultimate culture shock flying into hanoi not long after MH370 went down.  we circled for 30mins before we could land in a storm.  there were literally whole families on scooters, chickens everywhere + i wondered what the hell i had done.  what a time to be alive.  but what a place to visit!  seriously keen for more south east asia exploring.
  9. moving to the beach.  best decision ever!
  10. growing up on a farm.  definitely the most un-farmy chick ever but i just know the values + experiences from my farm upbringing are imprinted on my soul.  i am a big fan of the simple life.  my x2 nieces know more about the farming gig than me haha.
  11. being bridesmaid for x3 of my absolute fave humans ever.
  12. rowing all those years ago at school.  taught me all of the things, especially my love of mornings.
  13. hiking lake waikaremoana + routeburn track with my hiking buddies.
  14. travelling for 2.5 months through europe/UK with my sister.  hard to believe that is nearly 10 years ago but the memories seriously live on!
  15. buying my typewriter in november 2020.  it’s a smith-corona typewriter + let’s be honest, it’s the only good corona to come out of 2020.
  16. giving up drinking for 18 months.  all of the lessons + growth during that time.  i still can’t believe i achieved that!
  17. selling my words.  pinch myself on the daily that what started out as a pipedream is now my reality.  don’t quit your daydream.
  18. hiking cinque terre with my sister.  take me back to italy.  that place is back on my bucket list.
  19. great barrier island - what a place.
  20. all of the precious time + memories created with my mum + dad.  they really are the OG go-getters in life + remind me that it is never too late to do all of the things you want to do in life.  forever inspiring me to reach for the stars but keep my feet on the ground.  
  21. all of the beach walks.  healing my soul since way back.
  22. seeing the lion king show live in london.
  23. the greek islands - paros was my absolute fave.
  24. choosing to work x4 days/week + live at the beach.
  25. starting vic uni + realising within six weeks it was not the place for me.  but my folks had me stick that first year out (welcome to being an adult).  moving to canterbury the following year was the best decision ever.  cue wild antics + life long pals.
  26. all of the precious chats with my aunty over the years.  lucky enough to have a real life guardian angel now!  grateful for the precious few days we got to spend together at the end of her tough health battle.
  27. writing all of the words + having the courage, madness + vulnerability to share said words with the world.
  28. the rad humans that i have crossed paths with over the years.  as always, some connections are for a reason, season or lifetime. 
  29. getting comfortable with my own company.  not something i always loved but something i now really appreciate + make a priority.
  30. skydiving - wow i got given that voucher for my 30th.  a few haircuts ago.  hmmmm what’s next?
  31. visiting some of NZ’s most gorgeous + best kept secrets e.g. kawau island, great barrier island, skipper’s canyon.  the list seriously could go on.
  32. hangs in ireland + scotland.  loved those places + the memories created.  travels are just so good for the soul.  covid you can jog on now.
  33. cycling round lake taupo for the cycle challenge with my dad.  Legend!
  34. visiting 20 amazing countries.  i have a feeling i have forgotten some!  travelling my old friend, oh how i miss you.
  35. all of the incredible family holidays we had over the years.  the best memories.  it’s funny how this list really has nothing to do with things!  funny that.  give me adventures + experiences any day.
  36. just all of the incredible connections i have had over the years + i know there are plenty more to come.  life you all kinds of wonderful!

wow, what a list of magical moments!  grateful would be an understatement.

my wish for this next orbit of the sun is quite simple.  12x new experiences/places/adventures.  one for every month of this next year.